Diana Tombs – Senior Warden

Freeman 2015 Liveryman 2016
Email: seniorwarden@marketors.org

Diana’s background is mainly in marketing services, with a career spanning well over thirty years in senior management as a marketing and business professional. She grew up in an environment where the very existence of “marketing” was completely unknown; and her degree - at the University of Sussex – was in Maths and Physics.

Luckily, as she wasn’t made to be a serious scientist, she soon accidentally fell into marketing, firstly by getting a job on Campaign and then Marketing magazine! From there, via a couple of “digressions”, she entered the agency world, where she found her niche and never looked back. She was a founding partner of two marketing agencies, building them up into multi-million pound businesses and selling both successfully to quoted companies.

Diana is a passionate believer in marketing and the fundamental role it plays – or should play – in a company’s strategy and its entire operation. Marketing, professionally, and also sometimes creatively deployed, really does have the power to deliver economic and social good.

Since leaving corporate life, Diana has been involved in business and marketing consultancy for past clients, old colleagues, not for profit organisations and, of course, friends. And she has also become increasingly engaged with her local community, providing support and advice on many local and neighbourhood issues.

On a more personal note, Diana loves travelling with serious (warm waters!) snorkelling and African camping safaris high on her list, but also adventure travel to out of the way places and cultural city breaks. She has a long standing passion for traditional folk dancing, especially for the dances of the Balkan region. She keeps fit, rides a bike and enjoys the cultural pleasures of London – concerts, theatre and eating out.