Our Charitable Donations

Our charitable activities are supported through funds donated to The Marketors Trust and through members giving their time to mentoring programmes as well as outreach activities, typically providing pro-bono marketing advice to charities.

The Marketors also work with marketing academics and award granting bodies to further marketing education and knowledge to enable a diverse range of talent to enter and progress within a marketing career.

A marketing professional talking to a student

Marketors' Trust

Over the last three years, The Marketors' Trust has donated just over £269k to worthy causes in line with our broad aims of: 

  • INSPIRING excellence in marketing
  • SUPPORTING charities and the disadvantaged
  • CARING for Marketors in need

The Marketors' Trust has inspired hundreds of young marketers through its funding of annual awards, prizes, bursaries and other educational initiatives together with the CIM, Academy of Marketing, City & Guilds, and The Museum of Brands, and in conjunction with business schools such as Bath, Birkbeck, Cambridge Judge, Cranfield, Portsmouth and Westminster.


The Marketors' Outreach activities help Charities, Armed Services, other City Livery Companies and Educational Establishments. Around 2,000 hours of Outreach support is provided each year at no cost to the recipients.


The Marketors are committed to helping marketing related individuals to develop their careers and enhance their decision making skills. Our mentors are drawn from within the members of the Company, who can draw on their own experience to provide valued guidance. In recent years over 100 mentees have been supported with around 75 Company members currently offering their time as mentors.


The Awards Committee encourages, recognises and rewards marketing excellence through academic and professional awards and bursaries funded by The Marketors' Trust. We support awards to outstanding students of marketing and are currently fostering and sponsoring the Teaching Excellence Award with the Academy of Marketing.