The Marketors' Outreach programme has been asked to deliver an Outreach marketing support project for the REIGN Collective, a collective of adult survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation from the UK who campaign around issues relating to child sexual abuse (CSA) and child sexual exploitation (CSE) by offering training workshops, presentations and consultancy to professionals and organisations involved in preventing abuse or supporting victims and survivors.
REIGN began in 2016 when a small group of young survivors of CSE met through the youth charity RECLAIM. Each young woman had experienced failure from systems and services in their lives that had been set up to protect them. All had a drive to fix these systems and change the stigma around CSE so that no other child would be failed in the same way.
Many professionals are unsure how to approach the issue of CSE and lack confidence and understanding in how to respond to it effectively. Victim blaming and victim stigma is rife within society and professionals are not immune to stereotypes and assumptions which they are then at risk of taking into their practice.
The founders, as survivors, realised that their stories and insight had the power to impact professionals and challenge misconceptions, as well as improve services and how they are delivered.
The Outreach marketing support project for the REIGN Collective is being managed by Liveryman Dr Sunila Lobo and Liveryman Peter Rees.
The Worshipful Company of Marketors’ Outreach Programme matches “good cause” organisations needing pro bono marketing support with one or more appropriate members of the Marketors, from Freemen to Past Masters. Outreach’s professional management approach helps document, define and time limit the marketing support, delivers our members’ marketing expertise and helps the “good cause” organisation to make their own improvements.
Many members of the Marketors based across the UK and elsewhere want to donate some personal time to help deliver some charitable marketing back into society. Outreach enables that activity. If you would like to help a good cause, regardless of where it is in the UK or overseas, please contact