Hello Fellow Members

You know exactly how special and unique our Livery Company is, and the range of skills, experience and types of people you can meet are wide and varied.

If you are new to WCM, then a special welcome and take a good look at what we do, and what you can do to contribute to our extensive programme.

We are Marketing people, and as such we know what Reputation is.

Reputation Matters!! How many of us ever consider that every single one of us, in all we do, wherever and whatever we do, is carrying the responsibility to maintain our Reputation?

In a commercial world, 70% of the stock price (value) of the  company is determined by its reputation….up to 40% of that comes from the CEO by the way!

In our world of charity and giving back it is important that when we are out and about doing other things, we should try to think about telling others of the WCM and what we do and how special we are?

Membership is our life-blood, members are for life. We are a unique family of like-minded professionals enjoying unique experiences in some unique environments. Please share that opportunity as you go about your daily life.

If only 50% of the members in our Company brought in just one new member each year we would grow in strength rapidly…..

I’d like to meet as many of you as I can at any of the events, Great or otherwise, that we do during my Master’s year. Or hear from you, please feel free to email me at ian.ryder@gmail.com or call me if you have something you’d like to say personally (+447768300343). I would love to hear from you.

Meantime, please enjoy your time with us and I will do my very best to be a good and caring Master, ready to hand over to our Jubilee Master in January 2025!


Prof Ian Ryder
Master Marketor